(Formerly known as State Procurement Bureau)

Debarred & Suspended Vendors

The following vendors are debarred from doing business with the State of Montana. State agencies may not enter into contracts with these vendors until the debarment period has expired; see 18-4-241, MCA, and ARM 2.5.402. Vendors are responsible for re-registering as a vendor for the State of Montana upon completion of their removal/suspension period.

Any questions may be directed to the State Procurement Services Division at (406) 444-2575 or through our Contact Us page.


All Seasons Maintenance, Inc.

201 East Lyndale
Helena, MT 59601


Tim Kapphan

915 Park Avenue
Helena, MT 59601


Nathan Zito as a person and/or
any company owned (wholly or partially)
by Nathan Zito

Billings, MT 59106


Federal List of Excluded Vendors

The federal government publishes a list of parties excluded from federal procurement and non-procurement programs, which identifies those parties excluded by the U.S. Government from receiving federal contracts or certain subcontracts and from certain types of federal financial and nonfinancial assistance and benefits. State agencies should refer to this list if procurement projects involve federal funds and decide whether federal policies on this matter apply to the project. The federal list can be accessed at

Accessing SAM - Federal Debarment Verification

Accessing SAM - Downloading Verification of Entity Certifications

Currently Suspended Vendors

There are currently no vendors suspended from doing business with the State of Montana.

Montana Department of Labor and Industry's Debarment List

Montana law (18-2-432(2), MCA) states, “Whenever a contractor or subcontractor is found by the commissioner to have aggregately or willfully violated the labor standards provisions of this chapter, the contractor or subcontractor or any firm, corporation, partnership, or association in which the contractor or subcontractor has a substantial interest is ineligible, for a period not to exceed 3 years after the date of the final judgment, to receive any public works contracts or subcontracts that are subject to the provisions of this chapter.” The Montana DLI debarment list may be accessed at
