The State of Montana Procurement Bureau website uses cookies.

We want to make our website more user-friendly and continuously improve it. We use cookies to collect anonymous information. For example, cookies collect information on what pages were visited and how long each visitor stayed on a page. This anonymous information is used to improve our website content, design, and the services we offer. If you continue to use our website, you agree to the use of cookies.

This website specifically uses Google Analytics to analyze web traffic. Google uses cookies to collect anonymous web traffic data, which the State of Montana Procurement Bureau uses to improve our online services, information and user experience. Through our use of the Google Analytics application, neither the State of Montana Procurement Bureau nor Google collect personally identifiable information.

The following information may be automatically collected and retained when you view or search through MDA websites, or download information:

  • The type of browser and operating system used to visit the site;
  • The date and time of when you access the site; and
  • Which portions of the website you visit.

We do not attempt to gain personally identifiable information about individual users and associate it with IP addresses. The State of Montana FProcurement Bureau does not use the information collected to ascertain your personally identifiable information.

To learn more about cookies, Google Analytics, and internet privacy policies and laws in Montana, please refer to:

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